dAN pEREZ, HYPNOTIST -- HOUSTON -- CALL 800-481-5949

download: healing power of hypnosis, financial worries, energy booster, get your drive back, get your mojo back, Promote your business, super portion control, build a routine,  get back on track , take it to the next level, LEARN FAST, turn back time, live longer, Clean teeth, Write regularly,  be a better writer, do it now, creative writing,  creativity booster, creative problem solving,  Think big and self discipline for dan

You can scroll to the bottom of this page and download your audio programs in mp3 format. Right-click on the blue button and choose "Save File As" to start your download.

IMPORTANT: Do not listen to hypnosis audio programs while driving, operating machinery or doing any other task that requires focused concentration.

For best results, your should listen to this audio program once per day for 31 days in a row. If you miss a day, don't worry about it, but add another day to the end of the 31-day cycle.

Why 31 days? The brain is a neural network and change occurs once the neurons have physically moved, rearranging themselves into a new pattern representing the change. This process typically takes weeks, so the 31-day listening schedule is important.

This is one reason I've made my recordings around 20 minutes long--so they don't take a lot of time out of your day. I think you will find it's a pleasant way to spend 20 minutes and a short amount of time to spend to achieve some great changes in your life!

When you listen, just relax and follow the instructions on the recording. Don't "try" to go into hypnosis--that's a little like trying to fall asleep on a night when you aren't feeling sleepy. Just listen to the recording, let your body relax and your conscious mind drift wherever it wants, and hypnosis will naturally occur.

If this is your first time to be hypnotized, note that hypnosis doesn't feel like you might think it would. It's not like falling asleep--you will still probably hear sounds around you, although they may seem more distant and muted. My voice will be the dominant thing you hear, and your attention will be focused on it, for the most part. Your body will become very relaxed and you may not remember everything you heard on the recording, but that is okay--your subconscious will be listening and will get the suggestions it needs.

Because hypnosis is so relaxing, if you listen to this recording at the end of the day when you are really tired, you might just fall asleep and may not get the maximum effect from the recording. It's better to listen earlier in the day when you are more rested and alert. Note that stimulants like coffee don't interfere with hypnosis.


This audio program is Copyright 2020 by Dan Perez. All rights reserved. Please do not distribute this to others without permission. Thanks.


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If you refer a friend, co-worker, family member or anyone else to Hypnosis Works! and they purchase a package of sessions, Dan will give you a FREE session ($190 value!) to say thanks!